Watermelon Fruit: Where was watermelon first grown, how did this superfruit reach India?

It is scorching heat all over the country including the capital Delhi. As the heat increases, people are also paying special attention to their eating habits. Most of the people are also consuming watermelon to keep the body cool during the summer season. But do you know where watermelon was first grown? If you take the name of India then it is a wrong answer. Today we will tell you where watermelon was first grown. 

Watermelon in summer

Most people like to eat watermelon in summer. Because watermelon contains a lot of water, eating it does not dehydrate our body. Iron is also found in abundance in it. Let us tell you that nowadays, apart from red, yellow watermelon is also available in the market. 

Where was watermelon first found

According to a research, watermelon was first grown not in South Africa but in Egypt. The study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences rewrites the story of the origin of the domesticated watermelon. Scientists studied the DNA of hundreds of species of watermelons and found that these fruits came from a wild crop in northeastern Africa. Before this study, it was said that watermelons came in the same category as South African citron melon. 

But now the results of genetic research match an Egyptian painting, which shows that watermelons were eaten in the Nile desert 4 thousand years ago. Suzanne S., professor of biology at the University of Washington Arts and Sciences. According to Renner, based on DNA, his team found that the existing red and sweet watermelons are closest to the wild watermelons of West and North-East Africa. Rainer is an evolutionary biologist who joins Washington University after working as a professor at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, Germany for more than a decade and a half. This genetic research has been completed in collaboration with the US Department of Agriculture in New York, The Royal Botanic Garden at Quay in London and Sheffield University.

Red and Yellow Watermelon 

When the name of watermelon is mentioned, the first color that comes to mind is red. But now both red and yellow colored watermelons are available in the market. According to the information, due to a chemical in watermelons, their color is red or yellow. Actually, a chemical called lycopene is the reason for the difference between red and yellow watermelon. Lycopene chemical is found in red watermelon. Whereas yellow watermelon does not contain this chemical. Yellow watermelon tastes like honey. Vitamin A and C are found in sufficient quantities in it.

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